
Finding laughter at the end of a sticky situation....

Ok, so I'm the type of person that is easily amused. When it comes to my little Bichon Charles, I find everything hilarious about this dog. LONG STORY SHORT....Charles became the brunt of a very sad joke Mother Nature decided to play on him the other day. Basically he fell into what I've defined as  "mysterious plant-like sticky substance"- I honestly don't even know what it was, but it was stuck in his poor little paws and mouth, and butt, and stomach, and I was using every little technique I could think of...olive oil, patience, and nothing was working. My mom and I unwillingly took him to the pet hospital/groomer down the street to be "taken care of". Bottomline: he came out a new man, as we like to say, and his butt never looked so good. LMAO! Seriously, we call him baboon because that's what his butt looks like, it is so defined! We spent the rest of the afternoon on a patio of a little Mexican restaurant close to my house, drinking beers while our little bichon enjoyed the breeze...hehe


tattytiara said...

I have a little dog that looks just like Benji - unless I take her to the groomers. When they're done with her I call her my Barbie Dream Dog. Her little ears look like pig tails and they pop a little pink ribbon on her collar and everything, and she acts like a biker that just woke up at a party to discover someone had painted his nails pink. Yeah, she might look like Benji, but at heart she's pure Cujo.

Anonymous said...

Poor Charles, glad he is cleaned up now. Too bad no photos!!

Karen said...

That is hilarious! Love your blog. Your shop looks nice too!

Unknown said...

You have to post pictures - preferably before and after! lol I looove pet stories; mine give me endless material to get everybody laughin!!!


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